Ninja Cat PowerPack

EDIT: long story short, here’s epic video which explains everything about game, PowerPack and life. What’s best, it has cats in it!

I’ve been working on it almost a week, with video recording and editing. It has english subtitles so click boldly.

Few days ago I’ve released a crowdfunding project for PowerPack to Ninja Cat. By doing this I want to significantly improve the game. I love it very much, got good reactions from players and game press alike, so it looks like a sensible thing to do :)

PowerPack logo

Here’s the list of new features that I want to add in PowerPack:

  • visualizing the path on which player is moving; especially useful at junctions (which are generally not understood by players)
  • dinosaurs can change their behaviour such as: kamikadze – runs at you with a bomb and you better shoot him at distance; knight – has shield and you have to type 100% correctly or you start from scratch
  • ability to use limited ninja equipment using F1-F3: spiders (deal letter damage to dinos which walk over them), throwing knives (immobilise or slow down dinos) and fog bomb (you become invisible for few seconds and dinos don’t know where to go and attack)
  • collecting statistical information for speed of typing (WPM), accuracy and score – over time, and showing graphs of it, to show how well are you developing.
  • option to choose language maturity level – child (for kids), normal (like now), weird, adult (swearing) and porno (omg ;)
  • over 15 zl ($5) you also get downloadable version without ads, for a one month exclusive.
  • dozens of additional hours of even more addicting and varied gameplay :) that will also increase the speed and accuracy of your typing.


There will be also new content (2 out of 5 existing levels shown above):

  • 1 new level (most likely Notre Dame cathedral)
  • 1 new dinosaur (most likely Stegosaur)
  • 1 new powerup (most likely dynamite)

I predict all of this can be completed in about a month, and so I’m collecting money for one month worth of surviving in Krakow.

One thing that needs to be stressed, is that altough the game is available for free now on internet, the PowerPack version for the first month after creation will be available exlusively to those who back me up. They will get installable, DRM-free, ad-free version. Next, by choosing at least 15 zl ($5) you get to add words to the in-game typing list.

Obviously by backing the project with higher amounts you also get some cool gadgets (altough the mail expenses of sending T-shirt to USA or even England will kill me so please don’t :P )


You can back me up also if you’re not from Poland – accepts payments through PayPal. I’ve prepared a film that will explain polish interface of and guide you through the backing process. I recommend to watch it in fullscreen:

EDIT2: currently the news from the battlefield is: 31% collected and 8 days left. It’s still possible to fund the PowerPack, so please support this indie game developer :)

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  • Deric Rojas

    how do i get the power pack