Keyboard shortcuts info in debug builds – IMGUI style

I want to share a little discovery, a trick easing the creation and development of games. First a short motivational and historical introduction.

Case study

I don’t know if you have it too, but when I’m creating a game, I often add to it a lot of keyboard shortcuts – even a few dozens. Player avatar, enemies, map, camera, physics, rules etc. Shortcuts use normal letters, digits, F keys, special keys (tab, home, backspace), and their combinations with ctrl, shift, alt. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what is available and what does what.

Especially I had problem with that in Ninja Cat, where shortcut availability depended on compilation mode (CONFIG:: variables, you can treat them like #defines) – debug+editor had all of them, debug without editor had a part of that, editor without debug had yet another part etc. It was very useful, because sometimes having too much shortcuts and special keys was bad – ie. during testing, when pressing some keys would change gameplay.

But I didn’t want to have it as binary – either all, or none. Sometimes the ability to intervene meant beaing able to catch a bug on the hot spot (perhaps Heisenbug?), and do something about it. So it was nice having it at such a granular level (debug/release, editor, deploy, profile). The disadvantage was that often I forgot what the actual shortctus were, what could I do at this moment. I was pressing shortcuts and they didn’t work, or I was forgeting about some magic functionality, hidden in not so visible code places.


Ok, now I’ll explain how to fix this situation. The easiest is to just display a list of all shortcuts, upon pressing some key like F1 or H(elp). But nobody would be able to create such list and maintain it over time. Also, having one huge list of shortcuts when you have only let’s say, a third of them, is not that really helpful. The solution? Do it in a automated way.

I’ve discovered something similiar to Immediate Mode GUI ( , interesting part starts at 0:50) – shortcut informations are gathered during game loop. If a piece of code has a shortcut and it’s available – add info about it to string. At end of frame, display that string on screen. Voila! How to do it in practice you ask?

This is a typical code with shortcuts:

// class Enemies, function Update():

if (CONFIG::debug)
        if (FlxG.keys.SHIFT && FlxG.keys.justPressed("D"))
                // kill all enemies
                for each ( var enemy : Enemy in members)
                        if (enemy.alive && enemy.exists)

Simple and obvious. Now let’s add something:

if (CONFIG::debug)

        if (Game.info_keyboard_shortcuts_show)
                Game.info_keyboard_shortcuts_list += "SHIFT+D = kill all enemies\n";

        if (FlxG.keys.SHIFT && FlxG.keys.justPressed("D"))
        // code from above

// in singleton Game:
public static var info_keyboard_shortcuts_show : Boolean = false;
public static var info_keyboard_shortcuts_list : String;

Because the code is in if corresponding to compilation mode, its body will be executed only in that one specific mode. In this way, only the available shortcuts will be added to string and displayed.

Implementing the rest is trivial:

// once a frame call this function which checks whether you want to see the shortcuts list.
// In such a case, display the list, collected in a simple string over the course of a frame

static public function ShowKeyboardShortcuts():void
    info_keyboard_shortcuts_show = FlxG.keys.pressed("H");

    if (info_keyboard_shortcuts_show)
         var shortcuts_list : FlxText = new FlxText(200, 10, 350, info_keyboard_shortcuts_list);
         shortcuts_list.shadow = 0x000001;

         info_keyboard_shortcuts_list = "";

That’s how it looks in practice:


The text is displayed after holding H. So far I’ve added only few shortcuts.


1. The compilation modes can be combined, as well as mixed with runtime modes, ie.

if (CONFIG::debug && CONFIG::profile &&
    Game.is_profiling_state && Camera.is_some_other_state)
      // some very specific shortcut

2. My friend Krzysiek K, has suggested on Warsztat’s forum (where I posted first about this technique; warning: polish language), how to make it even faster and less verbose. This:

if (CONFIG::debug)
        if (Game.info_keyboard_shortcuts_show)
                Game.info_keyboard_shortcuts_list += "SHIFT+D = kill all enemies\n";

        if (FlxG.keys.SHIFT && FlxG.keys.justPressed("D"))

should be quite easy to reduce to:

IF_DEBUG_KEY( SHIFT+'D', "kill all enemies" )
   ... code ...

Where IF_DEBUG_KEY does everything inside: testing compilation mode, checking whether to display shortcut info, testing whether such key combination is pressed, removing code in release build.


Little work, simple and flexible code, works everywhere (language agnostic), fixes specific problem. Maintainibility is high, because code handling the shortcuts is just next to the code displaying shortcut info. I recommend to use it to your bag of tricks / current game :)
